
#38: Lost Your Power? How To Reclaim It…

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

Do you believe that life is like a book that is divided into chapters? Some are long, others are short. Some are amazing, others are OK, and others are painful and awful. I went through a very short chapter in which I lost my power! If you’ve ever lost your power or many you’re in a ‘black hole’ as we speak, take a listen as I share healthy steps I took.

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#37: The Ace Study [Part 1] – From Pain To Purpose

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

In today’s episode, I will bring the ACE Study to convo. ACE, Adverse Childhood Experiences, is another tool targeted to increase awareness about the possible relationship between toxic stress and increased risk of health consequences. Listen up to answer 10 easy questions, get your score, and open doors to self-awareness, better health, and growth.

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#36: The Power Of Identifying and Changing Your Perceptions

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

Do you feel that you suppress your emotions? Do you feel fearful and overwhelmed? Do you feel unacknowledged? In today's episode, I share some insights about these perceptions and emotions and why it’s important for us to open ourselves to feel, identify, and change them so we live our best life.

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#35: The Process I Used To Let Subconscious Anger Go

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

Sometimes we have a hard time ‘moving forward’, enjoying the best version of ourselves, and don’t understand why it’s so hard. We try to do everything we are asked to do. Either we do them with little success or we cannot do them. Is it possible that you are battling subconscious emotions that are preventing you from achieving your health and life goals?

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#34: What To Do When Negative Energy Emerges

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

We cannot control people’s actions and words. What we can do is learn strategies that will help us react in a way we feel proud of ourselves. Tune in and listen to one of the best things you can do to refocus and regain emotional control when you feel disrespect and d-valued.

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#33: Your Nutrition And Hormones. What About Them?

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

Nutrition, and lifestyle for that matter, impact the distribution, production, and receptivity of hormones. Certain foods have a positive impact and others disrupt hormones. The same applies to the other lifestyle choices. They all impact the wellbeing of our hormones and how our body communicates within.

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#32: More of These YESES in our Lives

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

In today's episode, Maria talks about Anatomic Nervous System and a response state we must be in for healing to happen. Now it's more important than ever for us to take care of ourselves, do our best to manage stress, welcome YESES that will help us move forward with more confidence about our futures while managing our health.

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#31: The One Lesson That Opened My Mind To Better Nutrition

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

In today's episode, Maria shares another layer of the journey to taking ownership of her health. tune in to listen to what and how this one lesson got her to finally take a big step to improve her nutrition and eventually reversed her prediabetes.

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#30: Building Self-Compassion During an Addiction Crisis

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

In today's episode, I share some insights into my journey of building self-compassion while I got control of my sugar addiction, eating disorder, and health. Of all places and times, this awareness and growth happened during my 'sugar addiction ditching project' years ago.

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#29: Making Peace With Fear to Ignite Change In You

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

In today's episode, I address one of the elephants in the room: fear! No one likes to admit they are fearful of anything. Oftentimes, we try to hide our fears in fear we will be labeled weak. The reality is that fear is part of life. Let's talk about how to turn fear into action. Lastly, check out an empowering welcoming speech a famous writer prepared for fear!

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