
#28: What Role Did A Gorgeous 25 y/o Soccer Player Play In My Health Journey

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

In today’s episode, I’d like to piggyback on the last episode and start another mini-series to share more about Nutrition Endocrinology and why I decided to incorporate that into my practice as a health coach and personal trainer. Today’s episode is a bonus though. I will share the beginning life stories that ultimately led me to transform my personal and professional 180º. You might find some ‘juicy’. Holy Moly!

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#27: The Healthy Pyramid Explained and What’s In For You

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

In today's episode, Maria talks about her philosophy to health and wellness by explaining the Nutritional Endocrinology Method Pyramid. Tune in to expand your awareness about how your lifestyle choices impact your body's key operating systems, organs, and hormones.

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#26: Who The Heck Is Maria Horstmann? Should You Listen To Her?

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

It's time to get to know your host Maria Horstmann a little bit better. In this episode, Maria opens up about her upbringing, her ups and downs as an entrepreneur, founder/owner of Be Fab - Be You LLC, and above all, a few good reasons she is the ideal coach for many.

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#25: There Is No Wealth Without Health. Agree or Disagree?

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

Many people burn the candle at both ends or miss the warning signs about taking care of their health. In today's conversation with WendyY at Profitable Coaching Society, we discuss the warning signs you can no longer ignore if you want to get ahead of ensuring you have your health and age beautifully. Tune in so you can take the right steps today to ensure you have health today, tomorrow, and in the future because there is no wealth without health.

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#24: A Must-Have Habit For Life!

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

In today’s episode, Maria talks about a nutrient that 75% of Americans seem to take it for granted or just ‘forget about it’. This nutrient is essential to thyroid, metabolism, health, and ultimately to the quality of your life. Tune in to learn what it is, why it is essential, how to identify whether you need more of it, and ways to can increase its intake starting today!

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#23: What’s Your Body’s Thermostat Telling You?

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

What's the ONE THING you can do inexpensively and at your convenience that will reflect what's going on inside your cells? Blood tests tell us what's going on in the blood. The thyroid impacts EVERY CELL. When you've been experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism, relying solely on lab testing and results might not be enough. Tune in and learn what you can do to uncover issues.

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#22: Your Thyroid, Metabolism, and Energy. What Should You Know?

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

Your thyroid sets the metabolism rate for EVERY CELL in your body. About 20 million Americans suffer from a thyroid disorder. However, 60% of people don't know they have a problem. Tune in to learn what you should know to prevent being part of this group. It's time to take control of your energy and health.

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#21: Q&A: Why I Keep Gaining Weight As I Get Older?

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

In today's episode, Maria answers a question by two listeners. As we age, it is harder to lose weight. Is it normal? What can you do about? Why I Keep Gaining Weight As I Get Older? Listen up to get answers and start transforming your life.

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#20: Why Is Fat Stubborn?

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

In today's episode, Maria continues the saga about fat and metabolism. The relationship we have with fat is one of love and hate. If for some reason, you find little or nothing to be thankful for fat, Maria will change your mind. Tune if for more on metabolism, types of fat, why fat is stubborn and important, and more.

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#19: Weight vs Fat Loss. Fat vs Muscles. Skinny Fat.

Maria Horstmann, MBA, BCFWP, FDN-P

Today’s episode is the first of a series on fat and metabolism. Weight loss, fat loss, slow metabolism, high metabolism. The science related to these concepts has evolved greatly and they will continue to do so. Understanding these concepts play a key role in you achieving your health and fitness goals.

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