#1: How To Make Time For Your Health


Action is the antidote to stuckness. Yet, taking action without taking inventory of where you are, without establishing a plan, without having achievable steps set up will keep you stuck.

This doesn’t even take into account the feelings of frustration that come with this stuckness. In this episode, I talk about the “antidote” to this inaction by reframing the way you look at your health holistically and setting incremental, realistic, and achievable goals to improve your health and keep you healthy in the long-term.


Recently, I led a corporate wellness session focused on helping the staff unstuck and make progress in areas in their life and lifestyle that are out of whack.

Let me say this LOUD AND CLEAR.

Action is the antipode to stuckness.  Yet, taking action WITHOUT taking inventory of where we are, establishing a plan, and having the very first steps be realistic, doable, achievable, ad measurable will likely bring you back to the same place you started. PLUS, you will feel frustrated and like a failure.

In this today’s episode, I would like to share one of the awesome examples from that corporate session. It might resonate with you and ultimately has the power to change your life and health.

This busy and single male professional said that one of his weaknesses was in the category of health and wellness. It is about eating healthier and cooking his meals instead of eating out.

  • The first action step he wrote down as needed to take was: I have to carve time and cook my meals.
  • He also said that he doesn’t have TIME to cook.
  • I know that eating healthier is important.
  • I know that cooking my meals is healthier than that eating out.
  • I need to do this BUT…

As a coach, there were red flags all over the first step he wrote about.

Instead of me telling him that, I wanted him to see that for himself. He needed guidance getting to the root cause of his weakness.

So we spent time discussing his daily activities, investigating reasons and excuses that were preventing him from putting a true effort toward this goal—which by the way isn’t new to him.

As I kept asking why after why, finally, he said: I HATE CLEANING!!!

If I cook, I have to clean and that’s a problem.

Like all of us, our habits and beliefs come from thoughts and experiences, and in order to change things around, the exercise of understanding where they come from is foundational for CHANGE.

Imagine a perfectly balanced bicycle wheel. If you feel like your life is out of balance, let’s chat about it.

First of all, a few years ago, I realized that living a balanced life is unrealistic. I believe in living a harmonious life. Why is that?

The word balance makes me think of equal ratios and proportions. Each one of us has to identify what makes us feel in harmony, congruent, and happy.

Surely, making time to x, w, and z is kind of a must and these priorities only you can set. Otherwise, someone else will set them for you and you might not like them.

Here is the kicker, whatever these activities are, BEING AND FEELING HEALTHY IS INDISPENSABLE to getting to your destination with joy.

There is no wealth, financial, social, mental, physical, spiritual wealth without health. Health and energy are the same to me. Yes, it’s about cellular energy.

The first step that the young man set for himself was not one that was going to bring him success. I believe that deep inside he knew that since this is goal is more like a broken record. He needed to get down to details and get establish smaller steps.

I see this all the time. And that was the case with everyone in that group too. Their first step was ahead of what needed to be.

So, it is possible for this young man to accomplish his goal?

ABOSLUTELY!!! And based on his lifestyle and priorities, we discussed ways he can.

As a coach, one of my jobs is to help clients move from the ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’. It starts with their mindset.

Hear me out on this, I can TELL him or you 5-10 simple action steps, day after day, and unless one is EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN THE CAUSE, long-term change is not going to happen.

Like my friend Todd says, “This is a fact jack!”

If his story resonates with you,  allow me to share a few practical tips:

  1. Pick one night a week, preferable weekend, to cook and/or prep in bulk.
  2. Block your calendar and title the activity “Nourishing my body” or something like that.
  3. Make it fun by watching one of your fav movies, listening to a book, catching up with a friend or family member, invite someone to cook with you virtually.
  4. Purchase pre-washed and even pre-cut vegetables.
  5. Use kitchen tools like crockpot and Instapot to cook your meals.

I also wanted to tell you that I can 100% identify with this person. It was me 10-11 years ago. I used to make fun of the people who wasted their time cooking their meals. It wasn’t until I had my come to Jesus conversation and I got emotionally invested and started my health journey, step by step, one change at a time.

If I can do it, you can as well!

My mission with this podcast is to empower you with valuable content and share practical nuggets for optimal health and fitness that you can implement asap.

So here my multi-task tip of the day for you:

  1. Put excuses aside and take inventory. Grab a pen and paper—yes you heard me right!
  2. Make a list of your natural strengths, likes, dislikes, fears, and weaknesses
  3. Consider different categories such as health and fitness from your health and fitness, your security, and your emotional/spiritual/ physical needs.
  4. Identify areas in your life that are out of whack.
  5. Then create more harmony in your life by WRITING DOWN the first step YOU CAN TAKE to move the needle.
  6. Let this sit for a minute and ask yourself: Is this first step the real first step? Do I need to break this down into smaller bites?
  7. And for every little step you accomplish, have a dance party, scream, jump up and down. I don’t care.

If you are feeling this is a LOT, actually, it’s NOT once you get going. Take action!

What you need to do now is MAKE DECISION. Decide if you want to stay where you are or move forward.

I know very well that doing alone is hard and can be overwhelming.

Working with a coach helps a lot and may be what you need to unstuck.

Since I left corporate to start Be Fab – Be You LLC, I’ve paid thousands of dollars to coaches. It’s part of my personal and professional growth journey. Doing this stuff alone is HARD and unnecessary. You don’t have to do this alone.

That said, if you are ready to make progress, get to the root cause of your health imbalances, and accomplish your goals, book a call with me. Go to BeFabBeYou.com. You will also find the link in the podcast notes.

Stay tuned to the next episode. I will continue to talk about goal setting and action plans.

Let’s chat about the 24-hour [junk] activity list.


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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional and is provided on the understanding that it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.

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