Evox works on changing our perception. Clinical experience has shown that most perceptions tend to remain intact for a significant period of time because perception creates functional reality. Hence, perception has a powerful impact on our entire life, including our health and wellness.
So, a positive outlook will allow you to function with greater ease and less stress. A narrow outlook creates more stress and impacts our wellness in a negative way.
When we are able to shift our perception, we increase a level of control in ourselves. These perceptions shifts can be on behaviors, self-image, wellness, performance, beliefs, emotions, addictions, and relationships.
For example, when your perception is lacking, you will create this function by holding on to opinions, attitudes, and ways of dealing with life. They limited your ability to choose your outcomes. You can imagine how this can be a major barrier related to relationships and your ability to achieve goals and even healing or recovery from illness and injuries.
How is works:
EVOX records your voice and displays in on the computer as a Perception Index which shows the energy pattern of your voice. The process including cycles of reading the voice, which senses the energy, and deep minutes of deep reflection. The reading the voice and receiving information is repeated until you are able to release or shift the pattern.
The perception index is divided into 12 zones, allowing you to identify and consider potential blockages.
When I did the first time in 2015, Jennifer suggested I started identifying the emotions of family and self. The readings also showed who, in priority, had the most impact on me.
In my case, the priority of impact came mom, father, brother, sister, and lastly my grandmother from my mom’s side. She was the only grandparent in my family.
Among the zones, zone 7 of ‘Anger vs Acceptance of Change’ came out as red or extreme imbalance for EVERY SINGLE PERSON, including myself.
Holy smokes. I couldn’t believe it at first but it all made sense once I started the shift work. Until that day, it had never crossed my mind what was going on and how the emotional baggage part of my life. I did some deep work to release those emotions. It was emotionally draining but worthy—lessons for a lifetime.
In my last session, after I had shifted my perceptions related to everyone and myself, I remember telling Jennifer was now afraid of going home a few months later in December. I didn’t want to feel heavy, angry, and upset like I always did when I went home.
She told me that likely I was going to feel lighter, more patient, and less impacted by people’s actions and words. She asked me to pay attention to my behavior and reactions going forward around anyone, not only family.
She was 100% correct. Something shifted and for the first time in kinda forever, I had a peaceful trip and wished I could have stayed longer. And I noticed the difference around some people who always rubbed me the wrong way.
Needless to say, I became a believer in EVOX. I started to value the power of our thoughts and words. I’ve become really curious about myself and started to ask even harder questions. My personal growth journey took a turn for the better and I am convinced that it helped me be a better coach.
I learned the importance of vulnerability, compassion, patience, and forgiveness. It became clear that giving ourselves permission to grieve and heal first, before giving all to others, is essential.