Women and Mothers!

Women and Mothers!


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A message to all women and mothers!

Likely you are not only a mom to your own children. As women, we may well play an irreplaceable role in someone’s life. Have you thought about it?

Mothers are heroes—moms, step moms, grandmas, aunts, sisters, best friends and mentors when alive—and then they may well become guardian angels.

Who play an irreplaceable role in your life? 

How will you celebrate all of the mother figures who have made a deep and lasting impact: the women who love you unconditionally, who support you through difficult times, who demonstrate courage and grace in the face of a challenge, and who help you enjoy life’s happy moments? 

If you’re a mother, practice self-care and appreciation!  Do something for YOU. What does bring you peace, make you smile and relax, see the bright side of things, and appreciate the small moments? As you look around you, right now, what are three things you can be appreciative of?

As soon as finish reading this paragraph, try this…close your eyes, take a deep breath, drop your shoulders, and relax your jaw, your mouth, your forehead. Do this periodically throughout the day, every day, and you will notice positive outcomes. You will feel more FAB! You will feel more empowered to keep making awesome decisions about your lifestyle and continue to help others!

I would like to share my mentor and health coach’s though because I thought it was so applicable to many of us out there:

Perhaps she [your mother] wasn’t perfect; she may have even been hurtful or not fully present at times, but honestly she likely did the best she could with what she had going on. Ultimately, you are here because of her, and YOU are a gift!


Mom and I – Dec 2015

Surely, I am calling my mom in Brazil as soon as I post this note. She will be 72 years old in September. Dad was not there parenting at all. Mom played mom and dad’s role. She worked hard to put food on the table for me and my older siblings. I remember times we ate the same thing daily because there was much else she could afford. Until today, there are few foods I cannot smell because makes me a little sick to stomach as I ate too often, especially beef. If I ask mom to tell me the nutritional value of tripe, she cannot tell me that’s a great source of protein, zinc, selenium, B-12, and some saturated fat (at the time, meats were always from grass fed animals). Yet, mom knew and knows tripe helps bone, growth, and energy.  Dona Celina - Dec 2015Dona Celina and her husband treated me like I was one of their children. They fed me countless meals. I was lucky to have had them in my life.

My sister, on the other hand, was given a responsibility to help to take care of me plus house duties at young age while mom was working to put food on the table. As a grew up, sister became a protector, especially when mom got angry and wanted to beat the hell out of me J. Nobody is perfect and that’s our job to put ourselves on others’ shoes to understand what drives one to do x, w, and z. The bottom line is, siblings and I turned to be all right. None of us got into drugs, alcohol, and unhealthy habits. We were great students. We started working at young age and gave mom money to help for expenses. I paid for my first bicycle at age 12 making/sewing moccasin shoes by hand. I remember vividly the day I went to store to get the bicycle. WOW!

Dona Celina - Dec 2015

Dona Celina – Dec 2015

These memories bring me to this final note. My personal mission is to leave this world with cognitive function of my brain and functionally mobile. This mission is the underlying reason I am a health and fitness coach today. My professional mission hasn’t been much different since I started Be Fab – Be You in 2014. That is, to empower YOU achieve wellness inside and outside the workplace by educating, evaluating, supporting, and training YOU.

Do not hesitate to contact me if what you need is knowledge, guidance, accountability, and support to implement steps to Be Fit and Healthy, Age Beautifully, Be You!

Happy Mother’s Day!

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