2016 Reflections. 2017 Inspiration.

2016 Reflections. 2017 Inspiration.

2017 cheer

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2017 cheer

I hope you had an amazing holiday season and were able to reflect upon 2016 accomplishments and growth opportunities. I am VERY EXCITED about 2017!

I also hope 01/01/17 was as beautiful and amazing as mine. I spent passage at a friend’s house, reconnected with my peeps, and met new ones.

At 8:00 AMmastermind call I was on my first call with mastermind group of wellness coaches led by Dr. Gabby Pelicci. I am excited about the new weekly accountability to get ‘stuff’ done, help and learn from other wellness coaches.

Then, I grabbed my 23-pound backpack and went for a 7 miles hike at Henry Falls Trail on Cochran Mill Part. The weather was not the best and as expected, nobody confirmed ‘YES’ to my invitation. I was determined, rain or shine, nothing was going to stop me. I was at peace and safe inside with my decision of making an exception and going alone. Good angels were hiking just by my side 🙂

hiker and runnersIt was incredible—the rain stopped and I enjoyed the sounds of birds, crickets, whatever else in nature, and waterfall. A deers were running around too. It wasn’t until my last mile, I saw humans.

Coincidently, we meet again at the parking lot and chatted for 20 minutes. Despite how amazing it was, I DO NOT RECOMMEND HIKING ALONE.


hiking henry falls

Check out here the New Year’s video I recorded in the woods. If you love to hear the sound of water, click here, close your years and enjoy it!

Before I discuss resolutions and goals for 2017, please allow me to share a little bit of my 2016 with you. The circumstances, learnings, and self-exploration are reasons I feel and believe 2017 will be awesome!


2016 was about personal growth for me!

The process helped grow BeFab – Be You and provide me add more value to my clients. I attribute a good part to my growth to a business and marketing coach I hired earlier in the year. I was stuck, exhausted, working like a maniac without relative benefits, and let myself and the business go to a direction that did not align with my values, vision, and goals. Finally, I hit a point of no return. I didn’t have the money to afford her, but I realized I was at a point I could NOT continue without accountability, support, and unbiased conversations from a professional.

breaking wallThe process of breaking my walls, transforming beliefs, and venturing into TAKING IMPERFECT ACTION was painful, yet needed. So you have an idea, three out of twelve sessions with Krista, I cried the entire 45 minutes.

It wasn’t until a series of emails I exchanged with her after had spent two sessions in a row crying and ‘getting nothing done’ that I woke up. I realized that she was closing myself to her coaching and possibilities—why did I hire her for, right? She was doing and being what I do and I am to my clients. Ironically real!

Being vulnerable and congruent are essential traits when it comes to personal growing. I strive to build and offer my clients that kind of environment so I can help them unstuck and shine.

That said, I feel very comfortable sharing a few blurbs of messages I exchanged with my coach. The work I put into each one of them and many more, helped me take actions that ultimately have,helped be a better person and coach.

“Building a business requires inner work.” –so is changing habits, mindset, and lifestyle. It was hard for me years ago and it is for my clients. The value a coach brings to the table is priceless at times.

“You can get your outer results so much more quickly if you’d be willing to look at how can you shift, from the inside” – our limiting beliefs will destroy our potential. Here is another step I work with my clients.

“If you look for shit, you find shit”. How many of us focus on negative stuff. Our mindset plays a key role and 100% of my clients need help with it.

“What you’re doing isn’t working. When are you going to start working on the things I have been asking you to try.” WOW! Wasn’t it a slap on my face. Haven’t I had that conversation with clients before.

The reality is in order to continue to follow my path,  grow, and evolve as a coach, as a mentor, and as a friend without burning out, I need to surround myself of accountability partners such as coaches, mentors, mastermind and support groups. My ultimate goal is to reach and operate in my zone of genius—check out the book “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks.

Another fact is that the $95K I invested in my Exec MBA at Emory did NOT prepare me enough for most of the emotional, mental, spiritual, and financial challenges I’ve gone through the past two years–when every step of the way is 100% on me. Am I discrediting my education? Absolutely, not. It increased my rational thinking and decision making, opened many other doors in my life, and met very smart individuals. I also learned invaluable lessons about myself: weaknesses, strengths, limitations, and potential. I do believe the intensity and challenge of the program did help me build strength for building a business. I came out of that program a different person, no doubt. Was it worthy? Absolutely!

lessons learnedThree Takeaways:

  • Mastering your mindset and breaking walls are key steps to building new habits and making sustainable changes.
  • Investing in you is essential for change and growth.
  • You growth to free your mind and spirit to live life to the fullest and help others—priceless.

You might be wondering if I have REGRETS of leaving 6 figure job, a very comfortable lifestyle to go through ‘these pains’. NO WAY, I DO NOT REGRET IT! I’ve been planting seeds of health, touching people’s lives, building great partnerships with my clients, and changing lives—one at a time, including mine.

I hope that sharing blurbs of my experiences in 2016 add value to you. I would love to hear your thoughts and hear whether you’ve been through similar journey personally or professionally.

Click here to continue the conversation on ‘Ditch Resolutions. Get Real. Get Results.’

On a side note, I’d like to thank my clients for giving me the opportunity to elevate their energy and be part of their journeys. I big thanks to a few others—you know who you’re, for touching my life and supporting me during my journey with Be Fab – Be You!

2 out of 3 Americans are overweight or obese...this is heart breaking and serious epidemic. That said, EVERYONE knows someone who might need to unstuck, get healthier, and improve their lifestyle. Thanks for supporting my mission and making a difference in people’s lives…either forward this message or share this link with them: Help A Frend Improve Their Lifestyle

In the meantime, stay tuned! 2017 will be rich with awesome value added information and activities. God bless us all.

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