Healthy Lifestyle

Work With Me

It’s time to get out from behind the desk, prioritize your health, & ENJOY life again!

Give Yourself the Greatest Gift

Right now, you’ve realized that you’ve put your health on the back burner for too long. Your career became your priority, you’re stressed and burnt out, and your body just CANNOT perform as it you used to.

You’re TIRED as heck, packing on the pounds, and have stopped enjoying most physical activities because they aren’t fun anymore. Geez, you can’t even make it up the stairs at work without getting winded. At the end of the day, you just want to pop in a frozen meal, grab your favorite beverage to de-stress, and collapse on the couch to binge Netflix until 11 pm or later. Then repeat it all again the next day.

You rely on Band-aid fixes to cover up your symptoms so you can keep pushing through. You reach for...

I get it. I was once in your shoes, BUT THESE QUICK FIXES AREN’T THE ANSWER.

Years ago I worked in very busy, stressful, and demanding corporate roles as well. Through my own experience, I realized how the workplace can impact health and lifestyle negatively.  It was up to me to make better choices!

That’s why I’m here to guide you to reduce stressors and improve your health and quality of life, just like I did.  No, I am not suggesting you change your career as I did. What you can do is to put on your big girl/boy pants on and choose healthier when you’re on vacation, on business trips, at gatherings, working from home or at the office. Start with that!

Trust me, it’s Possible. You Just Need To Want Bad Enough. 

Do You? Why? What Matters That Much In Your Life?

I overcame my own health issues—pre-diabetes, chronic digestive imbalances, and eating disorders that led to a massive overhaul of my lifestyle, health, career, and relationships.

Now I want YOU to experience this freedom and wellness 

I Believe in "Progress over Perfection."

There are NO EXCUSES as to why you can’t start to better your well-being today. YOU CAN DO THIS! I’m here to help.

Introducing our [personalized] data-driven approach…

The Horstmann Method!

by addressing silent, hidden, misunderstood, and unspoken
causes of health risks and issues:

Blood Sugar Imbalances | Chronic [Low-Grade] Inflammation | Stress Levels/HPA Axis Dysregulation

Services We Offer

Coaching Programs We Offer

Disclaimer: Before you learn about our coaching programs below, know that I’ll ALWAYS recommend Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (Report + Consultation) to be either your first step or added to your program. I’ll ALWAYS encourage you to get your blood drawn. Your Blood Talks! A comprehensive analysis using optimal ranges can be so transformative. You get insights into inflammation, hormonal issues, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal conditions, blood sugar dysregulation, and other concerns including energy and stress-related issues. Learn more about FBCA here.   

Radiate Your Energy & Potential

D.R.E.S.S. + (5) FUNCTIONAL LABS = Transformation

Revitalize Your Energy & Health

D.R.E.S.S. + (3) FUNCTIONAl LABS = great progress

Jumpstart Your Energy, Lifestyle & Weight

D.R.E.S.S. HEALTH COACHING = building habits for life

Reignite Your Diet & Feel Better

(1) Lab to DIAL IN YOUR diet = remove basic stressors

Other Coaching Packages Available

In addition to the coaching packages mentioned above, we have other wonderful options. Whether or not it’s one of the programs highlighted above, schedule your strategy call and we’ll determine what’s best for you.

Whether you’ve got your blood tests done in the last 6 months or you need help identifying labs to get how and where, especially if you don’t have health insurance, we can help you. 

Approaching blood chemistry from a functional perspective, using Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA,) allows us to assess the risk for dysfunctions and imbalances in the body BEFORE they develop into diseases.

It’s one of the most cost effective and easiest ways to kick off your health journey–your blood has a lot to say. It’s time to take a listen and get real answers.  

The “normal” ranges for lab tests we are aware of don’t necessarily tell us what’s healthy or optimal, do they? FBCA ranges are narrower/tighter and give insights into healthy/optimal or suboptimal, a range identified before pathology or disease.

Blood Work Not Normal

FBCA is never used in isolation. Test/lab results are numbers. Your biochemical individually and health history are part of the process.


Once we’ve completed one of our coaching programs, you are welcome to keep the ball rolling with Maria to assure you stay committed and accountable, and continue to make progress. 

We keep these calls to 30 minutes, weekly or bi-weekly, and entirely focused on your needs. 

You don’t have to do it alone. Let’s do this, TOGETHER!

Let’s customize an in-person VIP 1/2 Day or Full Day for yourself or for your family!

Your VIP day may include:

  • > Pantry makeover
  • > Grocery store tour
  • > Nutrition label reading
  • > Cooking techniques
  • > Review/Rework your energy circle
  • > Vision Board Creation
  • > Cooking and Diet Strategies
  • > Education/Coaching: recommended and/or preferred areas of wellness
  • > Plan/build morning and evening routines
  • > Assitance/Ideas to build a home gym 
  • > And the list goes on. There are lots we can explore.
  • > Have ideas/questions? Don’t assume. Just ask me!

This is a no holds barred scouring and categorizing of your pantry, fridge and freezer.  We will go through the contents together to create a more nutrient-dense food stock that allows you to easily cook meals from scratch.  This is not about depriving you of foods that truly bring you pleasure, it’s about creating an awareness of how to balance nutrition and enjoyment (spoiler alert, they totally intersect!)  

*In-person Pantry Makeovers available within 10 miles of Atlanta, GA (zip 30339). Availably virtually everywhere else.

I recommend pairing a Pantry Makeover with a Grocery Store tour so that we can restock your kitchen with foods to help you create healthier options.  

The grocery store can be an obstacle course of dietary pitfalls if you don’t know how to properly navigate it.  We will head into your favorite grocery store together armed with a list and a budget.  I’ll show you tricks to avoid falling prey to creative food company marketing so that you come home with foodstuffs that will nourish and delight you and your family!  

*In-person available only within 15 miles of Atlanta, GA (zip 30339). 

I recommend scheduling a Pantry Makeover before a Grocery Store Tour so that we have a clean slate to work with!   

More Deets About Packages Above

Find below details about different features and aspects of our health coaching programs. Still have questions? Bring them to the strategy call that you are about to schedule HERE! 

There are a number of reasons our bodies get out of homeostasis, enter a state of dis-ease, and feel symptomatic. The 3 areas of imbalance we pay most attention attention to, whether or not you are opting in for functional lab testing and/or functional blood chemistry, are blood sugar and insulin resistance, inflammation, and stress or cortisol / HPA-Axis (hormones). Here are some of reasons: 

>> Blood Sugar & Insulin Resistance: you don’t need to be diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes to experience negative impacts of high glucose and insulin levels. Roller coaster blood sugar levels from stress and munching on sugary processed foods can lead to inflammation, food cravings, energy crashes, and mood swings. When blood sugar is elevated, your pancreas produces more insulin to move that sugar out of your blood and into your cells. That can lead to insulin resistance which causes high levels of glucose and insulin. That’s an issue, amongst others, if you’re trying to lose weight because your body only burns fat when it senses insulin levels dropping.


>> Chronic Low-Grade Inflammation: This is a common underlying factor in weight gain, PCOS, joint pain, cognitive decline, and most chronic diseases. Key contributors are stress, toxins, poor diet & sleep, smoking, drugs, and sedentary lifestyles. These internal and external stressors can cascade and create significant silent issues. Addressing inflammation with diet, movement, and lifestyle can lead to dramatic results.

Functional Lab Testing | HPA-Axis | Maria Horstmann, FDN-P | Health Coach | Test, Don't Guess

>> Elevated Stress & HPA Axis Dysregulation: Mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, and biochemical stressors can all impact how well your body responds to stress. When your body is attempting to respond to stress constantly, it can create communication issues within your stress response. This may lead to imbalances in your cortisol levels, several hormones, and even slow down your metabolism…all inhibiting you from feeling well and losing weight.

Functional Lab Testing | HPA-Axis | Maria Horstmann, FDN-P | Health Coach | Test, Don't Guess

Depending on whether the program you enrolled in includes functional lab testing, the [average] timeline of your coaching program will look like the following: 

  1. Intake Forms (2 days): you will receive them 2 business days after enrollment and payment.
  2. Kick-off Coaching Call (4-7 days): A quick call to help prepare you to collect the test samples–if labs are included.
  3. Metabolic Typing Diet and Food Sensitivity Tests (7-10 days): If applicable, you will get this test done quickly as it will help us determine the type of foods you want and need.
  4. Functional Lab Testing (10-30 days): We’ll order your lab tests quickly and you should receive them at your home within ten days. If you’re a menstruating female and a stress/hormone test is included in your package, you might need to wait to collect samples. Otherwise, sample collection for all other labs can be completed at your earliest convenience.  The processing time for most functional labs varies between 3-4 weeks.
  5. Diet Protocol Implementation (14-30 days): This timeline is applicable to those completing Food Sensitivity and/or Metabolic Typing tests. Otherwise, we will use intake forms to tackle diet during our onboarding call!
  6. Making Progress & Feeling Better (30-45 days): As soon as you implement these changes and protocols, you will likely start to feel better. The most common positive outcomes are improved digestion and energy.
  7. Results and Recommendation Sessions (25-45 days): R&R sessions are scheduled after we receive your test results–the timeline will vary depending on a few factors. We will spread these sessions within a few weeks to reduce the possibility of feeling overwhelmed. 
  8. Implement D.R.E.S.S. Protocol (30-60 days): If you’re enrolled in health coaching only, you will receive your protocol sooner. Otherwise, the timeline to deliver a complete protocol varies on lab testing, the speed you’re implementing basic recommendations, etc. Everyone is unique and we respect their ‘speed of operation’.
  9. Supplementation (45-70 days): If you’re enrolled in health coaching only, recommendation of supplements will be offered sooner and be based on intake forms, health status and blood work results, if applicable. Otherwise, you will receive a supplementation guide to help fill in the nutritional gaps (lifestyle) and help you overcome stressors identified in your lab results and/or FBCA. 
  10. Progress and symptoms improvement (60+ days): As you implement your protocols, you will start to feel even better. You may experience a great deal of symptom relief. Your body talks. Listen up! 
  11. Ongoing Coaching Sessions (duration of your program): We’ll meet every 1-3 weeks, depending on your program, to help you make progress and achieve your goals. According to your and your body’s response, we will course correct the protocol. Progress over perfection–remember that!
  12. As needed and per program, you will retest some of the labs to assure you are moving in the right direction.
  13. There are more nuances. If you have questions, we hope to answer them during our strategy call. Ask them then! 

Comprehensive health history review is based on intake forms in various areas including Hormones, Immune Function, Digestion, Detoxification, Energy Production, and Nervous System.

For more details about the functional labs we work with and recommend, CLICK HERE.

During our strategy call, I will help you navigate whether you will benefit from adding one or more labs to your program or whether it’ll be best to kick off your journey with health/lifestyle coaching only.

During the Results and Recommendation sessions, we review your lab test results. Based on results, clinical correlation, and health history, we will offer lifestyle recommendations including Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress Reduction, and Supplementation or D.R.E.S.S.

These sessions average 45-75 minutes each and are scheduled within 3-4 weeks after we receive your results.

During this call, we will review your intake forms and goal. We will also dial in to your Diet – whether or not you opted in for Food Sensitivity Test and/or Metabolic Typing Test. 

Diet is the first core principle of the D.R.E.S.S. protocol (Diet). There is one diet that fits all. Not all foods are good for everybody. Calories are not created equal. Quality of foods matter.  

We also know that we are biochemically unique with different needs. However, one universal need is to consume ‘real food’. 

Onboarding sessions are 60-90 minutes long.

Sessions will be 30-60  minutes long (according to your plan).

For the first few weeks, we will meet weekly and eventually move to bi-weekly sessions.

Sessions are designed to guide your path in achieving your health goals, address new lifestyle changes, help you stay accountable, and implement behaviors and habits of health reflected in the D.R.E.S.S. for Health protocol, course correcting the plan as needed. Ultimately, it is to help you remove debris out of your way, including physical, mental, and emotional, so you can feel in control and thrive again. 

Scroll down to learn more about D.R.E.S.S.

You can expect to feel better and see symptom reduction by implementing your protocol. You may experience benefits within the first two week of the protocol. 

We cannot guarantee a specific level of success or symptom resolution by following our advice/recommendations. The results you achieve depends on several factors that differ for each individual.

Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health care provider regarding a medical condition before changing your diet or that of anyone under your care. 

D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success Program/Protocol

D.R.E.S.S. is a custom natural protocol that improves how your body functions so it can rebalance on its own and reach homeostasis again. The program gives us insights into the changes your body needs in Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress Reduction, and Supplementation.


There is no diet for everyone and no foods that are good for everyone. Let's build a template that works for YOU so you feel energetic, manage your weight, and improve your body function. It's time to do YOU and stop following the "crowd".


Sleep is often the easiest and common lifestyle habit people throw under the bus in order to push through to get more done. The "I'll sleep when I'm dead" is NOT a philosophy we validate. The science is clear. Let's figure out what you need to turn sleep into your superpower.


Exercise is one of the most effective and transformative daily activities you want to do for brain and bone health, blood sugar balance, insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and longevity. Let's get you moving consistently so you experience its powerful effects.


There are different kinds of stress, including mental, emotional, perceived, physical, chemical, and biochemical. Many stressors are often HIDDEN and contribute a great deal to Metabolic Chaos®. Let's identify what's in your way and clear the pathways for your cells do their jobs.


Your health history and lab work will indicate supplements that will help rebalance your body. Supplements substitute nutrients missing in today’s food supply; stimulate functions of organs or system that may be operating sub optimally, and support healing process. Quality matters.

D.R.E.S.S. + Coaching

One of the benefits of our coaching programs is that together, we will explore key foundations for lasting change: your mindset/outlook on life, valuesvisiongoals, and your BIG WHY. Information alone doesn’t change behavior–as a society, we are NOT lacking information. Magic happens when we are more aware, congruent, intentional, and have a support system that helps us take  consistent action.

Another benefit of working with a certified FDN-P is that you CAN dive deeper to uncover HIDDEN internal stressors through functional lab testing–drop shipped to your home.

You’ll learn what’s really going on inside your body, and get empowered by a data-driven approach that uses biochemical individuality so that you implement  [D.R.E.S.S.] recommendations that apply to YOU and not what the news headline of the day says.

Your Health Optimization Plan

The 4 steps to your health transformation journey are:



We’ll discuss your current health status, goals, and what’s keeping you stuck.



We’ll create a personalized plan, with or without functional labs and fitness, so you make progress towards your goals!


We’ll implement, evaluate, and course-correct your plan accordingly. We stick with what works.


We celebrate wins, big and small!

Appointments (coaching, fitness, consulting, and speaking) are online and in-person (Atlanta, GA). Labs are drop shipped to your home!

Success Stories

Grab Your 4-Day Mini-Cleanse

4-Day Mini Cleanse FREE Download

If you are ready to get healthy with ease and simplicity, then grab your Free Digital Copy of my 4-Day Mini Cleanse to start feeling more energetic.