I am setting the stage for three recommendations:
- Getting your blood tests at least once/year.
- Staying in your power and getting what you need and deserve tested.
- Assuring you get biomarkers tested for a deep analysis of your health.
As a holistic health coach and fitness trainer, one of my jobs is to help you go from point A to B. Knowing where you stand today will help us to build a health plan that will help you reach optimal health.
I have yet to meet a person showing all markers within optimal levels and that includes me. Your body is adaptive and is always changing in response to the environment.
I recommend you walk to your doctor’s office empowered and handing him/her a list of labs and markers to run. Then, get your results interpreted from a Functional perspective—I can help you!
OK, let’s talk about the difference between Functional and “Regular” or “Normal” ranges.
The normal or pathological are very wide ranges to detect health problems before emergency. They are based on statistics and not on whether a certain value represents good health or optimal physiological function. Another big problem is the way reporting is presented to you: it looks at one marker at a time in a linear way. This is NOT the way the body works.
You do NOT want to ‘wait’ until it’s a problem or pathology. Many people who do not feel well and crappy will come out “normal” on a blood test.
“Normal” is NOT optimal.
Functional ranges are narrower and are based on optimal physiology and not the “normal” population. Functional ranges are known as optimal ranges and ‘Regular” are known as pathological or disease ranges. The values in between the two ranges are considered sub-clinical and can indicate the early stages of disease.
Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA) gives you an indication of the level of dysfunction that exists in the various physiological systems in the body. It helps you identify the factors that obstruct you from achieving optimal physiological, biochemical, and metabolic functioning in your body.
Here is something I need to tell you…
You are NOT to be labeled by any of the labs, whether blood, or stool, or saliva, or urine by anyone. Functional lab testing is to identify malfunctions and healing opportunities within hormones, digestion, immune system, detoxification, energy production, and nervous system. I am NOT in the business of diagnosing or treating disease. I am your coach working in a non-specific matter, identifying healing opportunities and underlying causes. The numbers mean little without doing full history and applying clinical correlation.
I apply wellness principles on a journey of ever-deepening insights about individual obstacles to health and opportunities over overcoming them. FBCA is one incredible tool I LOVE to incorporate into a plan of attack that removes contributors to imbalances. And no worries, I give you a list containing the biomarkers for your doctor to run. If you don’t have health insurance, I can set you with a laboratory to get them done. That’s how I get mine done.
If you wish to age beautifully, stay away as much as possible from surgeries and loads of medications, you want to pursue being “optimal” not “normal”. FBCA is a tool that empowers you to PREVENT disease.