#28: What Role Did A Gorgeous 25 y/o Soccer Player Play In My Health Journey

#28: What Role Did A Gorgeous 25 y/o Soccer Player Play In My Health Journey


In the last episode #27 I introduced you to the Nutrition Endocrinology Method Pyramid. In today’s episode, I’d like to piggyback on the last episode and start another mini-series to share more about Nutrition Endocrinology and why I decided to incorporate that into my practice as a health coach and personal trainer.

Today’s episode is a bonus though. I will share the beginning life stories that ultimately led me to transform my personal and professional 180º. You might find some ‘juicy’. Holy Moly!

Have some fun with today’s episode.


Although I am not going to chat about it today, I wanted to give you a heads up that part of my transformation journey includes meeting my mentor and coach Dr. Ritamarie Localzo. She is the founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology. My training in Insulin Resistance and Nutritional Endocrinology comes from her teachings, methodologies, and years of experience. She is also the one who created the Nutrition Endocrinology Method Pyramid that I shared with you.

When it comes down to it, she is someone I want to be like when I grow up and is the last person I want to disappoint.

Let’s get to the story, shall we?

In 2011, a series of events kicked off my health and lifestyle transformation journey. They happened pretty close to each other. Today, I will share two of these events, or I may, stories:

  1. My mom asked if I had about my life in my 60s, 70s, and 80s without children to take care of me. At that time, I was single and wasn’t seeking prospects. Funny thing is, 10 years have gone by and little has changed.
  2. I saw a tv commercial in which an older lady, alone in the house, fell on the kitchen floor, and couldn’t get up. I had seen that type of commercial multiple times before but had not hit me until then.

It made me reflect… how many people call me? How many people knock on my door for a personal visit? Back then, email and text were the normal. And besides the delivery man, nobody was knocking on my door to chat or tea.

The next thought came with FEAR and SADNESS….how about if I fall and hit my freaking head or a break a hip or injure my back badly enough I can barely move? And of course, my phone is unreachable?

How long will it take for someone to find me? Will I die on the freaking floor alone and in pain?

Then, I started to think about my mom’s health, my grandmother’s health, my family health history.  I FREAKED OUT because the idea of following in their footsteps was not pretty.

Then, I started to reflect on my own health and habits. I freaked out even more.

NO FREAKING WAY I WANT THIS FOR MYSELF. Something had to change.

What happens next is interesting and you might get a kick out of it…

What happens next is interesting and you might get a kick out of it…

A friend of mine had suggested me over and over to have a “FB” and that stands for F-U-C-K Buddy. I know. I know. Isn’t it funny!  This friend always told me how awesome her experiences were, she had casual, safe, pleasurable, and unattached relationships. Man, I envied her ability to do that. I always told her, I was not good at one-night stands. I had tried them before and always felt awful. Sex without emotional attachment was NOT for me.

So, when this aging, falling on the kitchen floor, dying alone flared up, I thought….

Well, it’s been at l least three years since I had tried a one-night stand. I was older and maybe I could do it. It would be nice to have a back and call person to do the boom-boom, cook together in a while, movies, whatever…but all on my terms and my time.

I decided to try it again. Maybe I could do the FB after all.

There was this 25 y/o gorgeous Uruguayan soccer player who I met at local dance club. He had been hitting on me for several weeks. He always suggested coming to my house to talk and watch a movie.

Yeah, right. I am not a fool.

So I decided to put my guard down, be open minded, and invited him over. We all know what happens next. It was part of my master plan.

Let me tell you, it was a freaking disaster. I felt worse than ever before. I felt used—not by him. He did no wrong. I had used myself and felt like trash.

So what happens next?

I knew that I was not a woman who was going to seek or go after men. Whether the purpose was for companionship and/or for children.

Sure, I had envisioned marriage and children by the age of 30. Here I was at 36 and the closest I had been was to start moving in with the guy I was in love with and thought I was going to spend the rest of my life despite our differences. Well, that didn’t happen. I got dumped instead.  This had when I was 30 years old. I was depressed for months. I hit the ‘block whole’. The last thing I wanted was to be in a similar situation. I learned many lessons. I learned about myself. I grew. I changed. And I am 99.99% certain that I would not be the coach and person I am now without going through that painful break-up.

As far as children, I thought that my life experiences, travels, stories, activities I have done up to that point in my life would be amazing to share with a child. I’d use them to inspire and empower that child. It’s one of those things… want to do things and give what you didn’t do or receive as a child.

Well, well, well.

Since I was not planning to raise a child by myself, without family support, and I was not ready to go back to Brazil to be close to family, it became clear to me that to be with someone, the RIGHT person for me would have to SHOW UP. And if he didn’t, I would be OK with it.  I also gave myself permission to consider adoption whenever it was the right time for me and the child.

That was it. I got comfortable with my decisions then and now.

What did happen next?

I took a deep dive into my family health history, my habits, my fears, my wants and don’t want. These conversations with self got me curious about health, diseases, and disease prevention. I start researching, learning, applying, and changing.

I hope you enjoyed the stories. It was fun to go down memory lane. I also hope that the message served as an inspiration. Life is filled with curveballs. I believe that everything happens for a reason.

When we focus on what we CAN do, take action, learn the process, and get out of our own ways, amazing things can happen. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. This is one thing we’ve learned, in order to feel healthy and more confident about the future, we get to put the ‘reps in’ and build healthy habits. The earlier we start, the better it is.

Next episode I will share more about my battle with sugar addiction, my renewed purpose in life, and how my training as an Insulin Resistance and Nutritional Endocrinology changed my life forever. You will get an idea of why I am passionate about using the knowledge and concepts to coach and change the lives of others, including yours!

Thanks for listening. Talk to you soon.

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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional and is provided on the understanding that it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.

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