Do you feel mentally and physically defeated? Maybe not moving forward at the speed you’d like?
Stop what you doing right now. Let me guide you through this exercise.
Grab a pen and paper. Yes, it’s important you write this stuff down.
Draw out a table with 3 columns and rows. The top row will show the title for each column:
On the left, write “Activity”, next “Length of Time” followed by “24 Hours Balance”.
Then, start adding your daily activity, one per row. Start with your #1 priority…SLEEP. Sleep is the activity. Let’s say you get 8 hours/night, write down 8 under time. Now, the balance on the 3rd column is 16 hours (= 24 – 8).
Sleep > 8 hours > 16 hours (24 – 8 hours)
Next might be a 60-minute prep for the day activities. You’re down to 15 hours (= 16 – 1)
Next might be a 9-hour workday including driving. You now have 6 hours left (= 15 – 9)
Keep plugging away. Don’t MISS A THING:
Personal emails, TV, gaming, streaming, social media, family activities, relationship activities, personal growth activities, side gigs and projects, studying, socializing, laundry, house cleaning, etc.
Feel free to PAUSE this recording to finish your list. Or do this activity as soon as you finish listening.
DO IT!!!!
Most importantly…
>>>Did morning routine, exercise, cooking, grocery shopping, washing and preparing food, relaxation, and fun made to list? Oh no…