Build Your Healthy Nutrition Template

Build Your Healthy Nutrition Template

Your Nutrition

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Welcome to Nutrition Awareness Month!  Thankfully, most of us are not starving. Lack of energy, mental clarity, and physical and mental strength, inability to manage weight, and aches and pains are NOT caused by the inaccessibility of food and water.

Instead, two key health concerns in the US are malnutrition and over-consumption. What I mean with malnutrition is that the quality of foods and beverages many people are consuming are zapping their energy and health.

The food and beverage CHOICES (what and when) to consume are making super hard to lose the extra pounds and belly fat and to build physical and mental strength for good living. If this concept resonates with you or a loved one, today’s message is for you.

You see, not everybody is as brave as you.

You are brave because you set out to take responsibility for your health, wellness, and fitness.

How do I know that? You are and will continue to read this message. I also believe that you do enjoy motivating others to improve their quality of health and life through your own voice, blog posts, articles, and videos.

Regardless of where you are at in your health transformation journey, building your unique nutrition template is essential, Agree? Watch this video now.

In Nutrition Endocrinology, it is the mission of practitioners like me to help you build harmony and reach homeostasis. How? By getting to the root cause of health imbalances and applying personalized holistic protocols to healing.

It goes far beyond a healthy diet/nutrition. It includes mindset reset and mindfulness, stress and sleep management, physical activity, environment, and even fun! Yes, trust me, I’ve got many ‘interesting’ looks when I asked what they had done for FUN, what made them laugh. It’s beyond coaching and training as well.

It is about the accountability, the motivation/inspiration, the support, the tools (i.e., functional blood chemistry analysis, genetic testing interpretation for nutrition and lifestyle optimization, and recommendation of other labs and supplementation as needed to help you achieve your goals.
Join the Conversation Webinar Series: Heart Health by Be Fab - Be You LLC

I know from my personal experience that it is impossible to reach that harmony and good health alone. In my last webinar, Join the Conversation on Heart Health, Earl and I discussed the importance of establishing your Health Village.

That said, click the image or HERE to the access the Webinar REPLAY and the awesome Well-Being and Action Tracker for Heart Health.

P.S. If you need help finding answers, setting your goals, staying accountable, getting support, and diving into the root cause, take the first step and book a complimentary ‘Energy Audit’ strategy session with me to get to optimize your health, wellness, and fitness.

P.P.S. Click  HERE to hear more about the accomplishments of warriors who worked with Maria in the past. They are superstars! You can be one as well.

A 4-Day Mini Cleanse Is Your Ultimate Reset!

Turn back the clock, reboot your health, and feel amazing from the inside out!

Get toxins out of the way so you can reignite your weight loss and feel happy in your own skin!

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