PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a disorder that affects women of reproductive age.Eight to twelve percent of women are affected by PCOS [3].
Most women with PCOS are found to have small ovarian cysts that, while harmless, create the hormone imbalance leading to the above issues. While the cause of these cysts is not yet known, PCOS does tend to run in families, so may be passed genetically. The most common symptoms of PCOS are acne, infertility, unexplained weight gain, facial and body hair growth, period irregularity, and depression [5]. Excessive visceral fat, or belly fat, is present in many PCOS cases due to the insulin-resistant nature of the disease [2].
While doctors may prescribe hormone balancing medications, such as birth control pills or fertility treatments, to help re-balance hormones, the most valuable treatment for a woman with PCOS is living a healthy lifestyle. This includes regular exercise and the commitment to a heart-healthy diet of fresh, whole foods [5].
Studies show that when women with PCOS change their lifestyle from a nutrient poor diet and minimal exercise routine to a combined healthy diet and regular exercise schedule, the types necessary hormones are increased to higher, more normal levels [1]. One study in particular concludes that “regular, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise over a short period improves reproductive outcomes… in young, overweight women with PCOS” [3]. It’s review of previous studies regarding the effects of exercise in women with PCOS states that a recommended 90 minutes per week can lead to “improved reproductive and cardiometabolic outcomes” [3].
While diet and exercise does not make PCOS go away, they are what women should use to control the effects and symptoms of the disorder. The human body, one free of any disease or disorder, still needs to exercise regularly to remain in working order for the longest time possible. So for women with PCOS, it’s that much more important to start and maintain a regular exercise routine [4].
A study conducted by Syracuse University, shows why diet and exercise must be used together. Researchers divided women into two groups, “diet only” and “diet plus exercise.” While all women experienced weight loss, the “diet plus exercise” group experienced a higher loss of belly fat. This type of fat is what is so deprecating to insulin resistance, so the loss of it is a huge factor in re-balancing necessary hormone levels and treating PCOS [4].
Learn even more about PCOS, the role it plays in the lives of women, and what we can do to combat it by attending the PCOS Awareness Symposium Atlanta on September 24-25. This event is put on for women with PCOS, as well as their physicians, families, and anyone supporting finding a cure. Be Fab – Be You LLC will be there on both days. I have the honor of being a showcase speaker, with the awesome topic of Fitness for PCOS – Strategies for Improving Insulin Sensitivity and Fat Loss – come see me! And be sure to participate in the Bolt for PCOS 5K Fun Run/Walk, and by donating toward my PCOS fundraiser challenge – $1k by September 23, help me reach my goal! I will lead a warm-up before runners and walker take off on September 25th. Register for the whole thing AND donate here!
Finally, let’s make sure you’re on the right track to wellness. Call TODAY to schedule a 45-Minute Energy Audit Session! I have 10 spots at no cost available in September. We’ll discuss your health challenges and goals. We’ll talk about how to reclaim your energy, clarity, balance, and fun! Plus, the call will give us a chance to get to know each other and how we can continue to work toward your health goals in the future. Call 770-835-5490 now!
If you have PCOS, we will personalize a program for you that includes smart nutrition choices, physical activity, and other lifestyle areas that interfere with blood sugar, insulin sensitivity and much more to help manage your condition.
I look forward to seeing you on September 24-25.