Planning and research is required to remain focussed and maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are lots to consider when designing an exercise program but what’s more important is staying on the right track for a lifetime. That’s called a lifestyle change. Here are a few tips on keeping up with the program of your choice.
- Start with a Personal Coach – This is most important for your fitness plans. A personal coach can help you with having the right goals mapped out from the start. Invest in your health and well-being.
- Pace yourself – Don’t go all out and burn 1000 calories in the first workout. You’ll tire fast and give up when the muscle cramps kick in. It’s best to take it slow and increase the time and work out targets gradually.
- Schedule it – It is a part of your life just like your work goals and targets. You can schedule reminders each day on the type of activities or goals to accomplish.
- Be versatile – Doing the same type of exercise every day might become a bore and your muscles get use to it. Add a variety of physical activities you can incorporate to achieve your workout targets. Remember, if you do not enjoy what you’re doing (or eating), it is not sustainable.
- Use technology – Phone apps, pedometers and various other gadgets can be used to measure your progress and keep you on the road to success.
- Get support – Family and friends should be made aware of your goals and hold you accountable for achieving your targets.
There is a lot more to it. Yet, more is great but it means nothing until you GET STARTED.
Click here to learn ways to I can help you get started with personal training and/or health coaching. Stop the yo-yo.
Also, click here to schedule an ENERGY AUDIT talk. Let’s uncover what’s in your way to achieving your health goals and get a few tips to get you started. It’s FREE – what’s your excuse?