Nutrigenomics: Health & PCOS

Nutrigenomics: Health & PCOS

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Good news for the PCOS community. PCOS is a complex syndrome and every little bit of data that can help customize nutrition and lifestyle is welcome.

Researchers discovered 3 more genes for PCOS. As highlighted in this article, PCOS is often misdiagnosed or missed entirely by physicians. Researchers have identified the genetic underpinnings of the syndrome, including 3 new loci, a causal link to depression, and a male phenotype for PCOS. Yes, you read it correctly, a male phenotype.

We have profound control over our health by consuming natural nutrient-dense foods and the management of other lifestyle pillars such as exercise, stress and sleep management.

I have been offering nutrigenomic genetic testing/analysis for 2+ years–after I was my own guinea pig for my Nutritional Endocrinology Training. It served me 3 purposes:

1) Results I had achieved through my own lifestyle transformation got great validation and helped me make tweaks to improve even more.

2) It helped explain why some people may not get optimum health results after implementing and sustaining a healthy lifestyle.

3) Made realize that this is a great tool and service I could offer the community with a desire to get answers that help optimize their health.

Combine Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis, nutrigenomics genetic testing & analysis, personalized coaching (for guidance, motivation, accountability, support, and implementation), with a person with a desire to change, the outcome is doomed for transformation.

–If that sounds ideal or interesting to you, to you, let’s talk!

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