Changing Your Mindset With E.N.E.R.G.Y.

Changing Your Mindset With E.N.E.R.G.Y.

Progress vs Perfection | Maria Horstmann | Health Coach | Weight Loss | Personal Trainer |

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Down Turns Suck!

Are you nourishing your body and brain/mind with the right foods and habits to handle down turns and negativity with grace and intentionally spark up the up turns?

Mindset and determination are actions we can control. Approaching life with positivism is half of the battle.

Feed the brain

Studies show that the brain is particularly at risk for free radical damage. Reduce their destructive effect on the body by eating foods naturally rich in antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids as part of a healthy diet. Here are other sources of brain food and examples you can incorporate more to your plate daily!

  • Beta-carotene: apricots, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, collards, peaches, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potato. 
  • Vitamin C: blueberries, broccoli, grapefruit, kiwi, oranges, peppers, potatoes, strawberries, tomato.
  • Vitamin D: Fatty fish, like tuna, mackerel, and salmon (best wild-caught). Get your vitamin D tested. Optimal level ranges between 70-100. Supplementation is often the way to go here.
  • Vitamin E: nuts and seeds and wheat germ

As your blood sugar patrol, please keep an eye on your blood sugar when consuming with complex carbs and foods rich in high sugar–yes, natural can do harm. Learn more about my 90-Day Blood Sugar Balancing Program here

Dodge the Traffic

brain body fatigue

Power Your Brain

Some foods interfere with brain performance by weakening the neurotransmitters in the brain:

  • Limit sugary foods such as cakes, cookies, sodas, and candy.
  • Avoid Coffee and Caffeinated Drinks
  • Reduce your alcohol intake – get a virgin bloody Mary instead
  • Cut the process foods from your diet such as hot dogs,

Check out here how I keep a stock of health fats with me.


According to APA, 30-50% of women are misdiagnosed with depression. Approx 70% of prescriptions for antidepressants are given to women, often with improper diagnoses and monitors. Misuse is a very real danger for anyone!

An essential part of  my approach to help my clients to deal with downs in life with grace and calmness is to maintain positive flow of E.N.E.R.G.Y. throughout the day with the least amount of stimulants as possible. Examples are caffeinated and energy beverages,  drugs, sugary foods, and sodas. They are simply masking your symptoms! Tune in deep.

Exercise-Pill-HealthIf you NEED a cup of coffee first thing out of bed, know that is not normal and the body is telling you there are opportunities to correct imbalances. Heck, I was there for most of my life and as recent as 4 years ago. I can help you!

Stay tuned for more on the E.N.E.R.G.Y. path I love leading myself and others.


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