Strong Bones For Life

Get lifestyle content to help you feel more energetic, stronger, and committed to your health journey!

Usually, osteopenia and osteoporosis are thought of as an “elderly person’s disease.” Osteoporosis is referred to as a “silent” disease because many are unaware they have it until a fracture occurs. Bone loss can be caused by acquiring insufficient bone mass at a young age due to lifestyle choices or secondary conditions. Malnutrition in childhood or adolescence impacts the body’s ability to build the bone reserves needed by the time the body’s bone-building processes slows down.


I am calling all women concerned about the consequences of poor bone density and osteoporosis…

Peak bone mass is achieved between the ages of 25 and 30. Starting around age 35, up to 1% of bone mass per year is lost. Some women can lose up to 20% of bone density during the 5 to 10 years just before and after menopause.


You Can Create Strong Bones For Life and Avoid the Life Disruptions of Fractures, Loss of Independence, Immobility, Weakness, Depression, and even Disability


The statistics are riveting!

  • Starting at ~age 35, if you’re like most women, you lose up to 1% of bone mass EVERY year
  • As you age, your weakening bones impact your balance, increasing your risk of falling. 90% of hip fractures result from falling
  • 75% of people who fall and fracture a hip are unaware they have osteoporosis
  • ~40% of hip fracture patients of age 50+ will require nursing home care and over 25% die within a year
  • The more hours a woman spent sitting per day, the higher her risk of hip fractures. Women who sit more than nine hours a day are 50% more likely to have a hip fracture than those who sit for less than six hours a day
  • Half of patients admitted to the emergency department for a hip fracture will lose the level of activity they enjoyed prior to the injury. Many will never regain their independence.
  • A bone will break every 3 seconds because of osteoporosis.
You are not alone–and fortunately, there is a solution for strengthening your bones and reducing your risk of losing your independence!

There are specific ways to move your body and to nourish it that result in stronger bones and increased mobility and strength.

Maybe you are also concerned about the bone and overall health of this current young generation. Their poor [quality] nutrition and lack of physical activity reduce their bone bank and immune system.


I don’t want to become weak, fragile, or limited as I age and neither should YOU!

I have chosen to focus on what I CAN do NOW to help myself and others who are ready to receive help. PREVENTION IS KEY!


And decided to create a program to help other women to combat this beast!  You are invited to join me. You are also invited to invite other women to join!

I have spoken about the program recently. My mentor, Dr. Ritamarie Localzo, who is super excited about it as well. Take a listen below 🙂

Lots of details and registration at  HERE at

I am makign this program very affordable at $197.00 after you enter promo code ‘pilot’ and if you are one of the 40 registrants.

The first group online class is on Tuesday, 9/3/19. Don’t wait too long!  I already have ladies signed-up and

Many women know weight training is good for them, but aren’t able to self-motivate. Whether it is time, you lack accountability, or have no idea where to start – fear of injury, feeling out-of-place and being self-conscious – this is the program for you too!

Women are aging with fears of falling and fractures because they know it can lead to loss of physical independence, disability, and depression. These fears often lead to a dangerous cycle! Restriction of activities to avoid falls coupled with reduction in quality of life often results in an increased risk of falls.

Increased inactivity + further weakening of bones and muscles = Increased risk of falls!

After diagnoses, many women feel anxious, overwhelmed, angry, hopeless, and fearful. Lifting, moving too fast, bending over, falling, breaking a bone, jumping, or exercising are just a few common reservations that used to be performed with ease.

Negative sentiments, physical limitations, and pain increase stress. Chronic stress disrupts the digestive system, blood sugar, and many hormones. Nobody deserves this unhealthy cycle!


If you’re independent and active and want to remain so, it’s important to be PRO-active before you become one of the statistics above.

My 74 year-old-mother has been suffering from osteoporosis and osteoarthritis for over 15 years. She has arthrosis on her knees and spine and is in constant pain. She takes several medications, yet, she is weak and physically limited. With her mobility, other health problems, and located in Brazil, I find it challenging to participate in helping to change my mother’s life.


I am is on a mission to prevent herself and others from the same fate!


I am committed to restoring your physical health and energy while boosting your self-esteem and confidence during this life-changing series.


Benefits of Strong Bones for Life Program include:

  • Improvement in muscle strength and balance
  • Reduction in risk of falls and future fractures
  • Being mindful instead of fearful
  • Maintaining bone strength and a routine beyond Strong Bones For Life


Improving fitness, nutrition, and other lifestyle choices for bone health has other benefits too:

  • Lowering the risk of heart disease and diabetes
  • Management of hypertension
  • Balancing blood sugar level and insulin sensitivity


In my late-20s, I had a stress fracture and for six months, I was unable to play volleyball, run, or participate in many other activities. During my recovery, I got a shin splint while attempting a slow run – not fun! Depression hit at a time when I also had a poor diet, digestive issues, and no regular strength training routine in place. Being intentional about my health, fitness, and disease has empowered me to educate and lead others in this disease prevention.

Protect yourself by reducing your risks in falling or becoming injured through Strong Bones For Life. Learn more about your body and how to prevent from joining the 54 million Americans that have osteoporosis or low bone density and don’t even know it. Women at risk to developing osteoporosis are typically:

  • Over 45
  • Have a family history of osteoporosis
  • Smoke
  • Have a low body weight
  • Drink alcohol regularly
  • Or lead a generally sedentary lifestyle.

Other factors that increase the risks include (past or present):

✔️ Diet high in sugar and junk food

✔️ Drink soft drinks daily

✔️ Have an acidic diet—high in meat, sugar, and processed carbs

✔️ Have digestion imbalances

✔️ Consume 3+ servings of coffee daily

✔️ Steroid medications

✔️ Other medications such as SSRIs and PPIs

✔️ Had gastric or intestinal bypass, hysterectomy with ovary removal

Whether you barely exercise beyond light housekeeping or gardening, exercise once or twice a week with some light weights, or just need guidance and someone to hold you accountable for your goals in maintaining a healthier lifestyle, this is the program for you!

Group Online Personal Training Class-Personal Trainer-Maria Horstmann-Health Coach
Online_Personal_Training_Maria-Horstmann-Health Coach

Each class begins with a 10-15 minute education portion on bone health, nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle aspects, and Q&A. The remaining 40-45 minutes will be allocated to movement including routines focused on balance, flexibility, and strength. The program is to continually challenge and keep participants engaged.

In order to participate in Strong Bones For Life’s online group series, you will need:

  • A smartphone, tablet, or laptop/desktop with a webcam
  • Internet connection
  • Zoom application (free at
  • Exercise equipment (list of equipment here)


We will connect, share knowledge and experiences, support each other, and have fun in a closed Facebook groupUnable to attend a class, no worries! You will have access to all our session recordings!

  • You have experienced spinal arthritis, degenerative disc disease, spine fracture, hip fracture (if you’ve had surgery less than 12 months ago and/or experience low levels of mobility), back and neck injuries.


  • You have been consistently exercising 3+ times weekly including using weights and have been involved in light or higher-level sports. However, if you are ready to step up your game, Maria schedules a complimentary session to assess ways she can assist you to reach your fitness and health goals.

I provide private 1-1 sessions for those who prefer personalized attention or are motivated to continue beyond Strong Bones For Life’s online group program.

Consult with a Physical Therapist and/or Orthopedic doctor for an evaluation and recommendations prior to enrolling in this program.

A 4-Day Mini Cleanse Is Your Ultimate Reset!

Turn back the clock, reboot your health, and feel amazing from the inside out!

Get toxins out of the way so you can reignite your weight loss and feel happy in your own skin!

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