[Podcast] Planning & Achieving Your PCOS Goals

Get lifestyle content to help you feel more energetic, stronger, and committed to your health journey!

I have had the honor and pleasure of being featured on Farrar Duro’s podcast. Farrar is the founder of the The PCOS Revolution Podcast and Florida Complete Wellness  in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Farrar overcame her own struggles with PCOS, infertility and hormonal imbalances with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Visit Farrar’s website Florida Complete Wellness HERE to learn more about her practice and to listen to other Podcast interviews she has hosted. As far as my interview, you can find at her site and below–I copied and pasted the transcript here as well 🙂

During this episode of the PCOS Revolution Podcast, we’ll be discussing various topics that Maria is passionate about. From practicing fundamental movement to how to improve and facing stress in the workforce, we dive into it all. Learn more about Maria, how to get started and the importance of movement during this discussion.

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where do you start? ([2:43])
  • Practicing fundamental movements ([6:00])
  • Intention behind functional movement ([8:25])
  • Consistency is better than persistency ([14:01])
  • There is always room for improvement ([17:10])
  • Stress in the workforce ([27:15])
  • Mobile vision boards ([34:18])

P.S. For those of you who are grammar pickers (is that a word?) and spelling error catchers, Yes, don’t expect this transcript to be perfect. Just saying…

Enjoy ❤️


Farrar Duro

Welcome back to the PCOS Revolution podcast everyone. Today I have with me Maria Horstmann, who is a speaker, health and insulin resistance coach, a personal trainer and corporate wellness consultant. She left the corporate world to help busy professionals go getters achieve their health goals, so they can do more, live more and expand their quality of life. Now, Maria empowers people to lose weight, boosts energy and confidence and build physical and mental strength. And she’s also spoke at PCOS Awareness events and conferences. And she herself has reversed her own insulin resistance and pre-diabetes, actually. So we’re going to speak a little bit about some strategies that she can share with us to help do that via exercise, diet and lifestyle changes. But also getting started with that, because this is the time of the year where we’re going to actually be focused a little bit on our goals, obviously, everybody is thinking about what to do in the new year and all that. So we want to actually talk about getting a plan in place that’s going to keep you inspired and motivated throughout the rest of the year. And hopefully, this is going to be your last year of actually making that your ultimate goal. It’ll just become easier and easier as you implement it. So welcome, Maria, thank you for coming on the show.

Maria Horstmann

Yes, thank you for having me such a pleasure to talk to your audience, and to you. So very excited about, you know, this topic that we’re talking about, because I have a personal interest and experience with insulin resistance. And I have worked with women with be CEOs. And I’m passionate about helping women to get to get to their next level of their health in a holistic approach. And with PCOS, we know dead there is a combination of a holistic approach with some medical approaches as well. Ideally, we want to implement and focus more on the holistic and things that we can do for ourselves, and minimize the use of medication as much as possible.

Farrar Duro

Awesome that I’m excited to talk about this because there’s no better there’s nothing that beats exercise. Honestly, I don’t think any medication is going to be better than exercise. It’s just getting to that point of getting excited about that and finding what works for you. So So what would be your best advice actually just first starting out for someone who perhaps is walking but not doing a set training plan or not working with a personal trainer right now and that sort of thing? Where do you start? Is that depending on your weight loss goals, or basically just working with incorporating it into your daily routine?

Maria Horstmann

Yeah, well, that’s a great question. Because you mentioned something right there that make me like, Whoa, no, no as far as weight loss goes, I honestly do not see exercise as the primary. One of the primary ways to lose weight. I see exercise as the best free pill yet, like you mentioned, for health and wellness period, Okay, I see exercise as one tool for us to build resilience for us to build brain health, for us to be more in control of our minds, you know, of our brains, because it’s all about the mind over the brain. And there is once we start getting into Okay, I have more control of my actions, my decisions, my thoughts, then we actually will be making better decisions about our nutrition about what time we go to bed, how much alcohol we drink, or do not drink.

Maria Horstmann

You know, should I you know, or should sometimes as a strong word, it is that best for me to, let’s say, you know, eat this that is going to feel my body in my brain with energy and nutrients or do that instead, right, this is the power that I see an exercise is to really lift the dinner transmitters in our brain, right like dopamine, serotonin, GABA, norepinephrine, BDNF, which kind of builds and maintain the cell circuitry is almost like a fertilizer of synaptic plasticity in our brain, glutamate and GABA, those are the things that exercise the US, you know, to our brain. And so, when we talk about strategies, the first thing that I like to suggest to my clients is because, you know, like it or not, you know, there is about I think is a third of the population are exercising three or more times a week, right, consistently, this number is very, very low. Considering that, yes, you can pay for somebody to be able to hold you accountable, like myself, like a personal trainer could be one on one, or could be in a group session. I’m just actually launching strong bonds for life of just a group online for women only.

Maria Horstmann

And it’s amazing. I can talk more about it later. But, uh, you know, it’s about, okay, why am I doing this? You know, why exactly is this important to me. So we get to get to the root cause of something, before we embrace the, you know, the commitment is hard for us to become committed to something that we don’t have much purpose. So if we believe if we are surrounded by activity, if we put ourselves into that, that position, if we say, okay, is truly exercise beneficial to me, I think in general terms, people know that it is right. You know, everybody talks about it normally do people feel good when they move, but there is a component of being intentional. And I call it an intentional movement. Right? And so first is finding the why we want to do this, if we know you know, what is the why for better health, for longevity, for better quality of life, and for higher for you to be actually be hiking a little bit more for you to play your tennis for you to play any other sports that you love for you to spend more time with your, your loved one with the kids that you have, or want to be on to have for your grandchildren, what kind of person what kind of energy Do you want to have, you know, to do the things that you love, including expressing love. And then say, the intention behind intentionality of movements, right. Because if you think about a squat, it’s just not a squat, right? A squat is one of the most important fundamental movements in exercise, it’s about our legs, it’s about the ability to walk for us to actually get to the ground and lift something could be that grandchildren could be that baby without impacting our back when it’s done properly. Right, it is something that is going to allow us to propel to jump when we need to jump on we want to jump, right. So and ignite so many muscles important muscles in our body. But yes, can be done incorrectly, that our knees can be, you know, damaged, right.

Maria Horstmann

Or we can be actually not being with an intention of doing not do intention, a lot of people, they actually, you know, they go to grab something from the floor, and they lift more and move their lower back than their legs, because they’re not practicing that squat, which is so fundamental in the overhead movement. So now people don’t think about why should do this stuff, have a bar dumb that overhead says imagine when you get to that cabinet in your house, right, you want to reach something on the top imagine is something is coming from, from either not from the sky from the ceiling or something, you have to have the power to stop that you need to check, stretch yourself just one corner, you go one foot, you know, stretch it all the way on the top. These are things that bring so think about the intention that is behind it. Because every functional movement, not necessarily a dumbbell, you know, curl a bicep curl that doesn’t have much functionality, because it’s very isolated. Right? There’s functional exercise that is going to allow us to propel in life, does that make sense?

Farrar Duro

I had never thought about a squat like that. Or I was just doing those this morning. And I thought oh, and all I think about is am I doing this right? Are my knees over my ankles? Am I know that but really thinking about other ways that can be helpful? That’s really simple. And, and yeah, that’s so good. I mean, as far as the intention of really trying to figure out why you’re doing it in the first place. Yes, and having that writing it down, I think is really good to just to kind of let your you know, let your eyes see like, Okay, this is exactly what I’m doing this for, it’s not just to, you know, get my insulin under control is to feel good, you know, and have energy every day and be present and be a good, you know, daughter, sister, mother, you know, wife, whatever you are best friend, and, and have this routine for life. And I feel like with the bone density issue, too. I mean, we know that weightlifting is so good for our bones as we get older. And, you know, it was interesting, when I when I studied in, in China, there were tight ci parks, like when, you know, for women and men that were, you know, over 60, they were actually doing Tai Chi at 530 in the morning, every single morning. Like they really just look forward to that that movement. So it doesn’t have to be with weights and all this sort of thing. Like we think of it. They were in, you know, a half lunch pretty much for an hour, it’s a workout, you know, people think it looks easy, it’s not easy. But just having that is part of their social thing to are they actually were you able to be around other people as well. You know, yes, that’s important. So going to a gym could mean a lot of things going to a yoga class, dig even be someone socialization. Yeah, you know, so,

Maria Horstmann

Yes, absolutely. So different. You know, going back to the question that you had, how to get started, you know, so I mentioned a two fundamental things, right. The why, what the intention of it what how we’re utilizing, you know, but also Okay, you got to assess where you are today and your level of activity, if you’re just walking, walking, is better bathing been than being an couch potato, there is absolutely no question about it. But I look at you know, not only from a nutrition perspective, but a you know, as the body right exercise, the same thing, we cannot look at nutrition only, okay, for weight loss now, because you can go down to 300 calories, and you can lose weight, but that’s not going to be healthy for you, right? That’s not something that is brings longevity, you’re going to lose all the nutrients you’re going to put in your body and before you know it falling apart. So we have to have common sense over here. And so assess where you are, and walking is fine, but walking is not broad enough.

Maria Horstmann

Okay. Just I mentioned about bone health. And you did the same a minute ago, well, our bones are living tissue, right? And women after the age of 35, can lose up to 1% of bone mass and near. That does not count about it. No, this is regular it you know, General women in general. Now, if the women have a, let’s say, a poor nutrition, you can eat a lot does not mean that is nutrition, right is malnutrition, then we are we haven’t built you know, that bank of bone mass to help us, you know, as we age, so is not only Oh, I’m young, I don’t need this Hold on a second there is genetical bonus, but there is also how you ate how you’re fed, I want to say for a portion of your life and how you doing going after when you start making all decisions, you know, so So this has an indispensable, you know, essential aspect in our bone health. And why is this important too, because, well, the bone starts getting weak, right? then before you know, you get fragile, you start breaking bones, and then then the mobility decreases. And then we start getting the fears, fears of this fears of that, you know, balance goes along with that, too.

Maria Horstmann

As we age. I’m not here to implement fears, I’m talking, I’m here to bring awareness that this is important. And for bone health. Just like the strategy for, you know, lifting the neurotransmitters in our brain is not any kind of exercise, we have to have an impact, we have to have a certain cardiovascular because our walk is not lifting much of your dopamine and serotonin, BDNF and all that. We need a certain impact, right doesn’t have to be done doesn’t have to be running a marathon. Running for 30 minutes, we can just include a small bursts, like I like to call it talk, you know, 30 to 60 or 60 minutes of bursts within the routine. So assess where you are what you doing, and say okay, consistency is better than persistence. And you know, or or intensity, I want to say meaning that if you you’re doing little today, how about we start with one freaking minute, you commit to one minute out of bed, and you say, you know what I’m gonna do this week, every for this week is going to be one minute out of bad, you know, off push ups. Know that that is bodyweight movement. Right?

Maria Horstmann

Okay, the next week, I’m gonna make sure that I’m learning how to do a squat properly, I’m going to do squats, then the other I’m going to do sit ups the other way, I’m going to do lunges, you see what I’m saying. And you keep a little catalog, I have this fun fitness calendar. I know that folks cannot see us but it’s pretty fun. And I put this on my fridge, you know, and has like motivations why of my why my goals and rewards which I normally say, hey, rewards not related to food. But really things that are simple in life that you can give yourself a break and enjoy. And then I mark it down while you have this on my fridge, you know, and I mark it down, you know, the things that I’m doing, I draw on it, and keep my eye in there. So the visual aspect of it commitment is so important. And especially for exercise, and I’m a trainer. Okay, and yes, I’m a coach, but we all need accountability. Don’t you agree with that? Do you find that your car or your clients need the same thing?

Farrar Duro

I like that calendar, I’d like to link to it–DOWNLOAD YOURS HERE.

Maria Horstmann

Yes, absolutely. Yes, I have, I definitely have a link for you. And people can download it. I laminated…you know, when people will get the the PDF form, and laminated and I put in my fridge. And every month I go and I raise and I put in there, it’s wonderful. It keeps me always motivated. Sometimes I look at it says okay, Mary has been two days. What excuses you know, let’s get in it is really that right? So yeah, the in you know, so assess, find your growth is start small, but make it happen every day, you know that one minute focus is building is building that thing, I gotta do it, I get to do it, I get to do it yourself, right, I got my women in in, I got it in. And then before, you know, you say okay, this week, now I’m going to go to, you know, 15 minutes workout, and I’m going to get my accountability body, I do run programs, and I put people we do fit as a group to have accountability bodies, and then they discuss their goals, you know, whatever the, the program is, it is for us exercise and nutrition, whatever, it’s all about health right. And then the check with each other, you know, and so, this helps us to move forward, the all the help we can get we can be it takes a village on the health and wellness circle.

Maria Horstmann

So I will not say no, unless becomes disturbing. So obviously, you got to make sure that you’re being effective in you know, in an efficient in this calls and texts and not become like an hour of your day on checking in. Right. So, so yes, and then move slowly. Now, if you say well, Maria already kind of working out three times a week, I mean, that should be good, then I would ask you a question. There is always ways to improve. First of all, always, today, you know, and who you are today is your beginning, is your beginning. And you say how can I improve this? Am I doing the same things over and over? Am I going to that treadmill, you know, and running for five miles an hour? You know, every time do I do 20 minutes to do 30 minutes do i do you know certain level of squats or anybody weight or even lifting at the machine at you know, and machines or dumbbells, whatever you are working out? How can I improve that? How can I push myself, just like we are trying over here to grow and build their resilience and become stronger and happier. That means that we have to challenge ourselves. And that is the same thing with our organs in our body. You know, just like we’re challenging our bones, right, with some certain impact and the weight and they did the heaviness. So we need that. The same things for cardiovascular, right, we need that that heart to grow to be stronger. How do we need that? We have to challenge it. Go up and down push and before you know you start tracking, you know, you’re going to see your improvement and that is so fulfilling. You know, for individuals.

Farrar Duro

Definitely. And then we have our patients actually now that we have a portal for PCOS, as well for PCOS Revolution Academy, but has some beginning exercises to do just to get started, you know, and the six week Get Started program. And basically it’s just, you know, movement in general is good to develop a habit for you know, and then you start to crave it, you’re like, God, I gotta go, like, I feel bad if I don’t go, you know. And so it took me about a year to get to that point, I have to say, you know, yeah, I never liked PE a lot. I didn’t, I wasn’t a sports person. And it’s funny, my husband works in sports, and he’s like, Iron Man triathalete, you know, but, I just kind of like ballet and certain things like that, but I got into Pure Barre, and I just thought, Oh, this is like, and then I started thinking, I want to challenge myself beyond this, now I’d like to go get, you know, work on, you know, lifting weights a little bit and then starting to do some more cardio, and then it just kind of builds until you feel like you kind of get to the point where you’re like, I need to challenge myself more, you know. And, and I think that that is the part where you’re like, Okay, now I’m in this rhythm, and I’m craving this routine. And I think we’re just creatures of habit. So unless we start somewhere, we just never start. And I think that’s what it was.

Maria Horstmann

That’s it. And you know, and that’s where also a good point you made here is we have, you know, the tendency to, to, to continue to do the same thing, because we get comfortable, you know, again, right, in order to grow, we have to step ourselves out of that comfort zone. And, and sometimes we have the fears, this fears of getting outside the conference on. So again, going back to that, why going back to the reasons, you know, and try to find this, why why do I have this fear a lot of times, you know, stuff that is from childhood, I hate to say it, you know, there are things that we saw experience or whatever, that now are poking in into our minds, and becoming very aware, very defensive about it. So when we get out of our comfort zone, we got to be open to challenge this, this believes that our exist in there, right? And we have, and I say have here because it’s kind of hard not to not having to do this, you kind of have stress around yourself of the people who are actually growing as well, that they’re in the same zone as you are.

Maria Horstmann

And we look around a lot of times and it says Who are the people I tell my clients, you know, and I says, Who are the people who can be your accountability? You know, reading my progress, but really outside your life? Who are the people who can actually say, hey, I need some help of real estate on me over here. Who are the people who bring you, you know, that that positive encouragement that is happy? happy for you to make a progress? Not like oh, okay, yeah, cool. And move on. It says, you know, don’t share that don’t continue to share with those people. You gotta find your people, you got to find that and you know what? And like you said, you know, exercise you’re going to crave after a while. Because it’s the brain. Like, can we talk? That’s what I’m saying? The brain say? Yes, I love this stuff. Right? So keep feeding the brain, because the brain is going to feed your mind, you know, those days is going to say, Yes, I got this. And you know what, now I can make this better decision. And yes, I’m going to go to that class today. Yes, I’m going to go for that job doesn’t matter if it is only 10 minutes. I know, 10 minutes for me is better than no minutes at all. Right? Have that intention. And it’s about taking that step that, you know, moving forward. We tend over here and sometimes we if we get stuck into that, you know, not doing or not doing enough or doing the same thing is where it can be a good idea for you to hire professional and say, Okay, I’m here, how can I improve, I need some accountability, I need some fire, I need some different ideas. Like you see what I’m saying. That’s where then go to different classes or hiring a trainer. Especially if you, you know you, you have certain specific things that you want some attention about for your body and your mind, then that’s where I would go to kind of take you out of that.

Maria Horstmann

That funk, you know, a lot of times

Farrar Duro

So true. Yeah, definitely. And I think that, that’s so important to actually, you might not know what you want to do until you just try different classes, like they have class pass and different stuff like that. And just to kind of not be not listen to your brain too much when it’s like, you know what, I think you need to lose X amount of pounds before you go to a gym. I think you need to wait till you know and our brains are very good at making excuses.

Maria Horstmann


Farrar Duro

It’s so true. And I don’t know why it’s like a reptilian thing. Like, okay, it’s not safe to come out yet. You know, I guess, you know, that’s where we have to overcome and kind of silence that a little bit in order to get out of our comfort zone. And just be uncomfortable be okay with being uncomfortable sometimes, you know, go for it.

Maria Horstmann

Yes, the brain is a lazy is a lazy brain is it protection is great for safety. It’s doing that for safety, but it’s not great for growth, right? So it’s doing its job, we just gotta understand. That’s why being mindful, you know, I teach kind of get at, you know, be mindful versus fearful. Right. And so that means that we’re in touch with ourselves, and especially in our exercising, pay attention to what the body is saying, right? How the body’s feeling, oh my god, there are some times that my brain over here selling me so many I start talking to myself, honestly, like a crazy woman, you know, good that I have my own gym. And I, and I’m over here, and this side of the, you know, the one side is saying no, no, that’s enough, you know, the hardest, right? It knows to go too fast. Whatever it is, you don’t need to do this, why one more round. Now. You are freaking. I mean, hold on. If you need to rest a few more seconds between, that’s okay, but you have what it takes to do one more round, why not do one more round? Come on, you know, you’re going to feel good. I have this arguments. Right.

Maria Horstmann

And it’s a beautiful thing, because I beat it, you know, and then I feel great about it. And it says I don’t you know, so it’s kind of that kind of thing, you know, um, but, uh, you know, talking about, uh, you know, I want to make sure that we touch because you mentioned that in the beginning of the call, you know, I’m on exercise in insulin sensitivity. And that is really a passion of mine. Because, you know, like I said, I used to have pre diabetes, and I came from the corporate world. And I made six figures. And, you know, I was excellent, what I did, I was really good at what I did. And you know, I live my life like go to work. I was a workaholic. I’ve always been a workaholic work has been part of my foundation from my childhood, I was raised by a single mom. So she was always working, working, working to put food on the table. So all three of us in our like that always working, always doing something, you know, and hustling. And so I always worked hard. Because was me my family’s in Brazil, it’s me or me, that’s it, you know, I there is no funds coming from my country. And my family, so I cannot count on that. And in maybe the situation of others is, you know, listen to yours different.

Maria Horstmann

That’s great. What I’m saying is, those are the things that impact who I am today, right? So again, going back who Maria is today, why Maria does certain things. I’m not saying that because workaholics like a good thing, like Hold on a second there is levels right? Am I taking care of my health? So you know, I lived out of sugar I lived out of you know, simple carbs. I lived out of energy drinks, caffeine and all that my nutrition is extremely poor. Yesterday, intestinal issues are devastating. Since very young age, I have some sensitivities. I didn’t know any better, you know, but yes, I was successful. I made good money. I came home and I was always active playing some volleyball doing something, you know, but not intentional movement, like I do today. I didn’t know what the heck that was, you know, what, what is this? You know, okay, what, what for, you know, souls living life by, you know, day by day getting up doing the things and I think that’s what I see in a lot of people their, their life start robotic? You get up?

Maria Horstmann

You know, like I did, and I know there’s a lot of people there because I speak to organizations and everybody Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, you know, you get up, you go straight out of the bed, you know, you makeup on the shower, sometimes you might be late, you don’t take a shower, you grab, put your clothes on, and you get to the door, you go into the traffic, go to the office, and you might get your little coffee or whatever, sometimes they have junk around, you know, the donuts and does that, you know, some officers still doing a lot of that stuff. And you get to talk to your co workers, maybe for a few minutes, and you go into it. And most of the jobs these days are stressful. Okay, this stress in the workforce is insane. Because it’s all about cutting costs and cost and cost, that means that people are doing more, right, and they’re multitasking, their brain never stops, their brain never stops, sometimes the brain doesn’t even stop after you leave. And they’re still get get a horse, get a walk, get home, you know, they do a few things in the email on the phone, but they fired a laptop again. And then, right, and then they go to bed. I mean, they don’t reflect much of the day, you know, sometimes they didn’t do much other than say, you know, might have played with their kids, whatever a little bit, but the mind is, oh my god, I gotta do this, I gotta do that there is not much time.

Maria Horstmann

And I say is we have to take the time. So I was that kind of person to. And as a business owner, there’s different stresses that I’ve gone through to the point that I got to adrenal fatigue, you know, thinking I can do it all by myself, right? coach told Mrs. You’re trying to build a $10 million on your own. That’s not possible. Maria. I’ve never seen anything work as hard as you. And so so we have this kind of tendencies, you know. So we have to step back. And you know, what led me to be where I’m at today and change my career, change my health and reverse my my symptoms. And all that is because I have an epiphany and says, okay, what’s going to be of Maria when she’s in her 60s 70s and 80s? What do I want?

Maria Horstmann

And let’s assume the worst case scenario, here comes my why, right? I mean, I say, Well, I mean, it’s just alone. Let’s say I was though I was single, I’m still single, no kids, family, Stephen, Brazil. And let’s assume all the friends are kind of doing their own thing. Right? What is important to Maria? Independence, I like to do things, I like to meet people, I like to go places, I know the things that make me happy. And that always relates to being social in some way or another. And it says, Okay, what does it take for me to get there? Right. It’s health, and then became like, knows, not only health is actually a healthy lifestyle, then I start digging, digging. And then I had all my 10-11 years of annual physicals, I never looked at it, you know, didn’t understand crap about it. I’m like, Okay, what is this, and then I started studying and studying and studying, I became obsessed. And I understood that the body is a beautiful machine. When I was doing that process, I started understanding and took some classes how to read blood work, so do blood chemistry, and functional blood chemistry, analysis, and people’s blood work as well. That kind of stuff, you know, before beautiful report, yada, yada. I do genetic testing as well. Now, I learned some much about myself, you know, and help people to put up protocol. And then it says I had pre diabetes, which was not surprised because I ate sugar all day.

Maria Horstmann

And all and the only reason I probably didn’t get diabetes, because not in my family.

Maria Horstmann

So that when I came to the doctor, and it says, I have high homocysteine, I have this my triglycerides, David, why don’t you tell? Are you young? I said, What do you mean, I’m young? I’m 36. You know, at the time, you know, I’m 40. I’m about 45. Now, I’m like, about two because there’s less than two months. And I was like, hold on you wait, and then I have pre diabetes? Well, you don’t have this in your family, your active and it says, Doc, I’ve been seeing you for over 10 years, you never asked me. What do I eat, I eat sugar all day, for God’s sake, I haven’t extremely poor diet only anything vegetables whatsoever i cheese, you know, chicken, you know, some whole wheat stuff. And sugar. I mean, so from that point on, I took my health in my own hands, I became so fascinated that I became studies started studying more and getting certifications. And eventually I left, you know, five years ago, the corporate to do this because I saw it. And I also did that after I reverse my senses. And I saw a new Maria, you know, come out the one that didn’t need any of that the one that had the body functioning well, that one day, I will never forget that I had my period that I always had cramps, I looked after my period came and it says I feel nothing for the first time in my life. And it says this is it. This is it. I’m getting close to finding homeostasis here.

Maria Horstmann

You know, and that’s a beautiful thing. So the insulin sensitivity exercise is indispensable for that because we fire our muscles, right, and they become really trained to get glucose from the body. No, so we have to challenge our muscles, cardiovascular, you know, is going to get that glucose out of the system, you know, I can wear you out as well. So we have to be careful with women with insulin sensitivity, because you know, they have all this blood, all this sugar going on, if they have insulin resistance, right, and all this instantly going out, which is actually an impediment for them to lose fat and lose weight, because it’s an inflammatory hormone, and keeps the fat stored.

Maria Horstmann

So we have to do these things naturally from the nutrition aspect to optimize our nutrition, you know, and to increase exercise to be more like a hit kind of thing involved. And you don’t have to do like hit like jumping boxes and all that stuff, you can do burst exercise of 30 to 60 seconds, you know, in between your routines in between your sets, and that it keeps your heart rate up, you know, and you get a very efficient and effective workout in 30 minutes or less. Actually, most of my workouts are less than 30 minutes. You know? Yeah. So, yeah. So it’s important because, you know, the insulin is it’s it’s impacts, you know, our aging is us, obviously diabetes, hypertension, you know, it’s it’s basically, you know, impacts our bone health. I mean, it’s, so let’s start with simple things, you know, that we can do, in a lot of times does not cost anything, if you need motivation to get started, get some motivation, you know, get somebody to help you God, but there’s environments, assess your environment, you know, first, assess where you are in your environment. And you know, what, if you feel like your environment is stressful, you don’t have the support that you need, go get it. Because there’s a lot of Facebook groups out there. There’s a lot of other people like us over here, trying to get you in there. So getting involved with more people follow the people read this stuff that are you say, you know, I want to be like that, I want more of this. So start following those people, read their books, read their material, read their blogs, you know, join their Facebook stuff, get get motivated, you know, get inspired by their words. And by their you know, their mission and by their actions, right?

Farrar Duro

Do you ever create vision boards? Because I like to do that every January? I get my Well, actually December 31? I my little favorite thing to do and Oh, you got what are they? Okay?

Maria Horstmann

Yes, I know, the folks cannot see it. But look at this.

Farrar Duro

I will put this video out to so that they can see.

Maria Horstmann

Okay, so I want to say that my vision board, I propose vision boards that are mobile. So this are made from you know, the file folders, whatever, you know, that I glued, you see what I’m saying? Yes. So in here, so you can put this on the floor? It could be like, what does that instrument that you kind of open and closed? Whatever the name is? You know, I’m

Farrar Duro

talking about a quarter and what? Yes, an accordion folder with with images there that?

Maria Horstmann

Yes. So I have in here a lot of stuff. So my vision board is it starts you know, from the things that make me feel happy. And I go through my perfect ideal day, perfect, ideal average day. So in here, from the moment I wake up, you know, to the things that I want to do to the things that you know, from the car that I drive from the house, I want to live to the people I want in my life, the clients that I want, you know, to you know, who I’m going to have dinner, what can I’m eating, so you see all of this kinds of stuff, my personal growth. So this is personal fulfillment, what I do for that, you know, to my legacy, and to having before, you know, I kind of drift at night, what are the things that I’m grateful for, you know, that I’m happy that I’m proud or excited did that I accomplished. So when I look at this, I always brings a smile, and there is room to kind of improve and continue to grow on this. I can always add another page, you know, and that,

Farrar Duro

That vision book, it’s a vision book, actually, it puts my vision board to shame. I have like a one page where like, you know, this year, I want to get toned. I want to get some muscle, you know, and I’ll put a picture of that. And I want to do that. But now this gives me so many more ideas. It’s like you could really just go further with this. I love it. And you can tie it in Yeah, exactly your dream

Maria Horstmann

Your dream, you put your dream! So every time you look at this thing you’re like, yes, you get like, inspired. So that’s why I’m doing this.

Farrar Duro

And yes. It seems like we should probably do a Facebook live around getting your vision board done, your vision book done for for 2020. You know…

Maria Horstmann

I’m all about it! Let me know when and I’ll be glad to to spend time and with you guys on this because it’s such a it’s such a fun project.

Farrar Duro

Yes. I love it. Yeah, no, yeah, if you guys are excited about that, too, definitely go to our Facebook page. And we’ll have some comments, because by the time this episode comes out, definitely, you know, we’re going to be into 2020. So we’ll be you know, in the early 2020 in January, so we’re going to be getting that getting those goals outlined. And you know, getting the vision of you, for this year, really nail down because you are in control of your destiny, I truly believe that and you put things out there to the universe, you can definitely receive them. But you have to know what you want and what you want for yourself instead of letting other people make those decisions for you. So if anything, I think the takeaway from this is definitely to be intentional with not only your workouts but also your own health and, and really take charge of that this year. And hopefully this is your year to do that. For sure. Did you want to give any parting guidance to our audience? Maria, you’re so motivational, I love speaking with you. And I think that you are going to motivate a lot of people today to start taking action. So would you like to offer any little parting guidance or and also to tell everyone where we can find you?

Maria Horstmann

Yes, I’m all about you know, I’m a big giver. Sometimes I give maybe too much. But I think it comes with the thing about feeling good right about ourselves, when we give we feel good about it. So first of all you can find me at my website is be fab BU calm, you probably going to put a link, but it’s befabbeyou.com. There, when you go in there, you’re going to hit the icons to follow me and Facebook, you know, I have a page in there. As far as giveaways, I always like to have a conversation with women and give them a few tips understand where there are, and if there is room to work together a great if not, that’s okay. So when when I noticed that they are just in that edge, you know, they just want a couple couple things. And I listened to them and find where they want to be what is that?

Maria Horstmann

Why, you know, that happy place that they want to be what is on the way, and then I’m able to give a couple suggestions. And if they’re ready to take the next step, great. You know, if not, that’s fine, too. I’m not that kind of person that pushes anybody to to work with me, I want to work with somebody who’s ready to work with me, because it’s more of a transformation aspect than just a task. You know, I’m not a task driller or driver, I guess I am like, let’s think about this. And let’s see why you’re not taking this step. But really how you can make it happen. And let’s think outside the box that weighs is about the I can versus the I cannot right? people show up of all i can’t i can’t assess, okay, we’re going to stop right here, tell me what you can, and we go from there. So that is, you know, it’s called the people can set that up, if they go to my website, they also get that I called the energy audit, they contact me via text, you know, on my phone number 770-835-5490. I leave that open its public on the website, too.

Maria Horstman

And I’m very good at that. And I’m also you know, probably by the time your lounge and is just actually launching a pilot for bone health is called the strong bones for life. And the website is the strong bones number for life calm, and is it’s going to be an amazing program just had an orientation today with the ladies, this is for women only. So it’s going to be a group of eight weeks. And twice a week we meet and about one third of the session now about 15 minutes of the session of the one hour. Each time is about the health style from supplementation to all their lifestyles that help, you know bone health and overall health. And then the rest is physical activity focused on you know, balance, flexibility and strength for bone health. And my mission with that is is driven by my mom, my mom has osteoporosis, osteopenia and osteoporosis and she’s totally dependent. So I you know, the other day, I woke up in a dream and I woke up crying because it is just sad. You know, and I don’t want anything to do it. I’m doing what I can to prevent and I want to help other women to prevent and a lot of women I feel like they are afraid you know, just going beyond the walk.

Farrar Duro

Is this for women of all ages?

Maria Horstmann

All ages, because some women might say well, I’m in my 30s in our mid 20s. And I especially with PCOS, I don’t have a problem with the bones. While we don’t know if you do, you know we start losing bone mass. But if you’re a person who’s not doing much, this would be a great way to started at the lower cost. And you get the group again and motivation and so on. So I’ll be continued to do this every eight to 10 weeks, you know so it’s one is launching now and it’s September 3 it goes on so we’re going to have another one at the beginning of the year too. And there is other programs that I do so just stay in touch. You know I do all my services online, including personal training. This is by the way I’m talking about is group and online. So only thing you need to know is your phone or your laptop with a webcam and whatever else. I do coaching and personal training online, but also doing Atlanta in person as well. No excuses!

Farrar Duro

That’s it. Well, this is this has been so inspiring. Thank you so much for your time Maria and coming on and I hope all of you are just as inspired to start your vision boards and get your exercise and planned and your and also like implementing some positive changes for this year. So so thank you everyone for listening as well and I will see you back at the same time next week. Take care, everybody

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