Posts tagged with: GHD sit-ups

Be Fab – Be Moving! Hurt So Good!

Hello Wellness Warriors! Have you heard people who enjoy physical activity say “It hurt so good“? That was me on Monday, a day after steep and speedy 5.1 miles hike,...... Read More

The Brazilian Fannies

Got my Brazilian girl Bruna to join me and got a 3rd mini workout in on 4/19/16. This vibrant young lady is also from Brazil. Sh is a pre-med student...... Read More

Day 4 – Good Basics

Generally, I take day 4 off. I was feeling good and routine was basic, no weight lifting, so I got the good basic movements in. I must say, by mid...... Read More

Heck Yeah…100x GHDs. Sleep to Perform?

Workout, 3K row, 100x GHDs Good afternoon moving my fanny today, 4/1/16. I think 8 hours of sleep I had last night made a difference 🙂 WOD 1) 3 Rounds...... Read More

Bench Press – Hello Again

Decided it was time to bring bench presses back. Yesterday, /29/16, I brought bench press back to my routine. Hadn’t done them in months, sometime prior to shoulder injury in...... Read More

DL-Box Jumps-GHDs-DUs

15 minutes of Deadlifts (DL), Box Jumps, GHD sit ups, and Double Unders will get your fanny moving and sweaty. Completed 5 rounds and 20 reps in 15 minutes. 3/25/16,...... Read More

Shoulders Watch

Lots of shoulder on 3/16/16 WOD…went light to minimize chances of damaging more of my ‘goods’ while getting a good workout. Gotta save shoulders for volleyball  🙂  How did you...... Read More

Thrusters are back, 2/25

How did you move your fanny? Share here. Reintroduced another overhead movement…thrusters, light and in line with road to recovery.  3 roundsRow 500m15 GHD sit ups21 Box Jumps (20in) Rest for...... Read More